Leaux Calorie

Leaux[er] Calorie

Listen, Linda!

People have been giving frozen meals a bad wrap for ages. I, for one, love them. As a working, single parent who hates traditional breakfast foods, I often heat one in the morning while I’m sleep walking around getting ready for work. I typically choose options that are high in fiber and protein — I need to feel full —  and lower in sodium and calories. Rule of thumb is fewer than 450 calories, at least 10 grams of protein and fiber, and less than 800 mg of sodium. I also look for selections that boldly proclaim: NO PRESERVATIVES! Buzz Feed compiled a list back in 2015 that lists several not-so-bad-for-you frozen meals!

I read somewhere that plating your microwave meals gives your brain the impression that you’re eating more. You’re welcome.

For dinner, I’ll add a salad or a lean protein (i.e. grilled or baked chicken or fish) to bulk up the frozen meal because as I said before — I need to feel full! What are some of your lower calorie, shortcut meal preparation tricks? I would love to hear them!?


Part 30.

Once upon a time, I tried the Whole30 Diet and although I did not adhere to the guidelines for the full thirty day duration, I gained a great deal of food knowledge. I learned a lot about myself, my unhealthy relationship with food, and my cooking style. I absolutely felt compelled to try the Whole30 plan because it allowed meat and potatoes. I knew immediately, “I can do this one for sure!” Then I quickly learned how easily I succumb to temptation when I fail to prepare, which taught me the value and tricks of meal planning. Lastly, I concluded that a large part of my affinity for fast food restaurants, is my aversion for cooking messy and lengthy meals. Hence my love for the set-it-and-forget-it slow-cooker recipes!

One of my favorite dishes that I came across while attempting to complete the Whole30 challenge, was Coconut Tumeric Slow-Cooker Chicken! I ate it for dinner, over eggs for breakfast, atop sweet potatoes, pretty much all ways until it was completely devoured! I recommend this recipe to everyone – dieting or not! What I enjoy most about my horrible yo-yo dieting, is that I usually leave with new cooking techniques and go-to recipes. So at least there’s that! The goal this go ’round is to not let set backs and shortcomings discourage me or take me completely off track. But seriously, try the recipe linked above, and thank me later!




Hello and welcome! I am happy to share my weight loss journey among other subjects of interest with you! I, like many of you, have had trouble losing weight and keeping it off. I look forward to using this blog as an outlet for my challenges and triumphs alike! I hope it aids in keeping me accountable as well as building a community of like-minded friends. I would love to look back over time and see positive, lasting results!

Consider this post as an official olive branch and offer of friendship and support! Leave comments when you feel inclined and ask questions when I am making zero sense. I am fully aware that I am not the best writer; you have been warned. Support, suggestions, and collaboration opportunities are welcomed. I’ll dabble in some Do-It-Yourself projects, Plus Size Fashion looks, Healthy Recipes, Fitness, and Financial Education. Stay Tuned!